Winnifred Greenwood

Confirmed Years:   1914-16

The popular photoplay artiste, Miss Winifred Greenwood, acquired a large following on the legitimate stage, having starred in "The Midnight Express", "Sapho", "Camille", etc. She subsequently toured the country with her own company for two seasons. Miss Greenwood has played approximately three hundred parts in "legitimate". This, of course, is only a small percentage of the parts she has played in pictures since her debut some three and a half years ago, and she attributes her grent success in this field to her fine emotional abiltity. As a student Miss Greenwood is devoted to music and French. Outdoor sports are very attractive to her and she freely indulges in swimming, riding, canoeing, tennis and golf. the basis of her phenomenal popularity lies in her indomitable desire to please the public.

- MPW July 11, 1914, p 240-241.

Confirmed American Credits:

Actor --

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