Margarita Fischer

Confirmed Years:   1911-21

Ms. Fischer's first tour with American was with the newly established western unit working in Arizona in 1911. She would not continue on to California but returned to stock. However she returned to Flying A in 1914, left again in 1916 to work with her husband Harry's Pollard Picture Plays in San Diego, then returned in 1917 to continue with American until the company's final year of production.

From Moving Picture World, July 11, 1914:

"She was born in the Middle West. As a child her talent was so pronounced that her father decided to form a company and star her as 'Babe Fischer.' As early as fourteen years of age she played the leads in all the well-known stock productions. On the death of her father, Margarita secured an engagement with Walter Sanford and played leads for a long season. Other prominent engagement were with T. Daniel Frawley in Canada and Joseph Medill Patterson. Margarita Fischer* is now universally known as the Beauty Girl."

*Margarita dropped the "C" from her name by the summer of 1915.

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