Charlotte Burton

Confirmed Years:   1912-1916

Charlotte Burton was born May 30, 1881 in San Francisco, California. She made her acting debut with the American Film Company in 1912. She played leads and supporting roles in one and two reelers until the popular 1915 serial The Diamond from the Sky, followed by it’s sequel. In the two serials she played the lead heavy, Vivian Marston, alongside fellow actor and future husband, William Russell. Following the popularity of her character in Diamond, Burton experienced success as she took on roles of both villain and vamp. Meanwhile her marriage with Russell ended abruptly in 1918 when she filed for divorce citing an improper relationship with fellow actress Edna Earl. Burton and Russell had worked together in over a dozen features in Santa Barbara. She left American in November of 1918 and was later involved in a lawsuit with Essanay Studios over a breach of contract. Burton testified that George K. Spoor, president of Essanay, wanted her to appear in comedy and that upon refusal she was discharged. The court found her refusal to play comedic roles to be of “reasonable objection” and she was awarded $3,200. Charlotte remarried later in her life, to Santa Barbara contractor Darrell T. Stuart, and again made a home in Santa Barbara. She died March 28, 1942 of a heart attack in Los Angeles, California.

- Andrew Nosrati, FM 181, Spring, 2009

Confirmed American Credits:

Actor --

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