Land Baron of San Tee, The

Release Date:   February 26, 1912
Distributor:   Motion Picture Distribution & Sales Company
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Western Drama
Director:   Allan Dwan
Writer(s):   Allan Dwan,
Confirmed Cast:   Jack Kerrigan, Pauline Bush, Jessalyn Van Trump, Charles Morrison,
Story Summary:
The wealthy land baron orders the water supply shut off and an armed guard is stationed to protect the dam. The baron's foreman, Jim Mallory, is in love with Clara Blair, the daughter of a poor old widow, and plans to take advantage of her helplessness. When their water supply gives out, Clara hurries to the baron and tells him of her sick mother, but is refused even a canteen of the fluid. She returns home in despair where Jim Mallory follows her and offers her a canteen of water for a kiss. She indignantly refuses and hurries to her mother, but the sight of her mother's suffering forces her back to accept the foreman's offer. He hurries away believing that he now has her in his power and can enforce any demand. A stranger comes to San Tee and stops at the home of the widow. He asks Clara for water and is told of the famine. He goes to the dam and fills his canteen, is fired upon by the guard and in returning their fire seriously wounds one of them. The baron is sent for and he hurries on the trail of the stranger seeking vengeance. Lurking in the undergrowth the stranger awaits his coming and captures him. He ties him to a tree and hurries to the widow's home for salt. The foreman is there and forcing his unwelcome attentions on the helpless girl. She screams for help and the stranger arrives in time to grapple with her assailant and turns him over to two of the men who arrive and they force him out of the country. Returning to his captive, the stranger proceeds to feed him salt and soon he is suffering the same torment he has meted out to the public. Unable to stand the torment longer the baron agrees to lift the famine is the young man will give him a drink. The stranger forces him to go to the dam and make his announcement and call off his guard. The population is wild with joy, and Clara takes the stranger home to introduce him to her mother. And it is rumored that he stayed in San Tee to force the baron to remain true to his promise and also to become better acquainted with Clara Blair. -Moving Picture World, February 24, 1912, p. 716, 718.
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