Where Broadway Meets the Mountains

Release Date:   February 12, 1912
Distributor:   Motion Picture Distribution & Sales Company
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Western Romance
Director:   Allan Dwan
Writer(s):   Allan Dwan,
Confirmed Cast:   Jack Kerrigan, Pauline Bush, Jack Richardson,
Story Summary:
John Newcomb, a young playwright, retires to the mountains where he finishes his play. It proves to be of such human interest that the producers and their stars rehearse their parts in the country in which the plot was laid. But prior to the arrival of the company, the playwright meets Mary Cutter. Finally the company arrives. Frank Willsden, the leading man, is delighted with the charming young woman who is to play opposite. Meantime, the young playwright sees little of Mary Cutter, who finds much time to spend in and about the walks of the hotel, where she can watch the playwright and his leading lady rehearse the scenes. Believing that he loves the city girl, she hurries to her father with a tale of outraged feelings. He, with quick temper, organizes a band of cowboys and hurries to the hotel. There, by mistake, he meets Frank Willsden, the leading man, with his sweetheart. In error, the mountaineer and his friends take him to Mary, who easily sets them right. But the playwright, dazzled by the beauty of the leading lady, believes himself in love with her, and in a moment of jealousy, accuses her lover, Frank Willsden, of having made love to Mary Cutter and his story seems to be proven by the arrival of the mountaineers with Mary and Frank. Then a revelation comes to the playwright and for the first time he realizes that he has loved Mary without knowing it. -Moving Picture World, February 10, 1912, p. 516.
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