Relentless Law, The

Release Date:   January 15, 1912
Distributor:   Motion Picture Distribution & Sales Company
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Western Drama
Director:   Allan Dwan
Writer(s):   Allan Dwan,
Confirmed Cast:   Pauline Bush,
Story Summary:
Having transgressed the law of his country, Jim Dawson is tried, convicted and sent to the penitentiary. After a year in the prison, he manages to escape and the intelligence is flashed all over the country. The relentless machinery of the law is set in motion and the man hunt is on. He is discovered by a posse in the mountains. Running and fighting, he escapes their vigilance and securing on of the horses belonging to the posse, again escapes, this time to the house of the woman whom he had married when he still retained the spark of manhood. During his absence a child has been born. The desperate man does not realize that the child is his and that the woman is his wife. Save me is his plea. The woman sets about cleaning his wounds and feeding the famished man. Then the sound of approaching horsemen is heard and kissing the child, but repulsed by the wife, the hunted man leaps through the window and is gone. Up in the mountains he finds a cave and believes himself secure. Down in the valley the wife waits with a nameless dread in her soul. Up in the mountain road the minions of the relentless law pick up the fugitive trail. They locate his lair and camp, knowing that without food or water he is as secure as if behind the thickest bars. At last, starving, thirsty and terror-stricken, the maddened man attempts escape. The guns of the posse flash and the convict has paid the toll exacted by the law. Down in the valley a widow with her fatherless child in her arms waits with a nameless dread in her soul. -Moving Picture World, January 13, 1912, p. 148.
Unique Occurences
Miss Bush plays this outlaw's wife. She is showing in these "Flying A" pictures a wonderful breadth of insight and power of expression. Her work makes this a very good picture to feature with Miss Bush's acting as the attraction. - MPW, Jan 27 1912, p. 304
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