Locket, The

Release Date:   January 11, 1912
Distributor:   Motion Picture Distribution & Sales Company
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Western Drama
Director:   Allan Dwan
Writer(s):   Allan Dwan,
Story Summary:
George Hughes gave the widow of his old classmate a cottage because he loves her, but she is indisposed to return his affections on account of his strong desire to gamble. The widow's son has a locket containing a photograph of his mother, which the gambler wishes to have, but as the boy is unwilling to sell it to him, Hughes leaves and writes a proposal to the widow. Her refusal incites him to indulge in drink more freely, until he is soon reduced to a derelict. Ten years later, while walking up a street in a western town, he asks the widow's son (whom he does not recognize) for a few pennies. In pulling out the money from his pockets the locket drops and a mutual recognition follows. Hughes steers the boy into a saloon, where he loses the money with which he was to pay the ranch help. The boy tells his mother and sweetheart of his wrong doing and leaves the house, determined to shoot himself. Just as he is leveling the pistol to his temple Hughes, who has won back the boy's money, stays his hand and gives him the amount he had lost. Hurrying to his home the boy tells his mother and sweetheart the joyful news, while the old gambler looks in the window once more upon the face of the woman he loves and then passes out of her life forever. -Moving Picture World, January 6, 1912, p. 68.
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