Misadventures of a Claim Agent, The

Release Date:   January 04, 1912
Distributor:   Motion Picture Distribution & Sales Company
Reels:   split
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Western Comedy
Director:   Allan Dwan
Writer(s):   Allan Dwan,
Story Summary:
When Jack Neivell found the evidence of pay dirt while prospecting he decided at once to purchase the claim lease from the owner. He called at the office of the landman and by turning over his savings obtained the leases from the owner. Jack pitched his camp on his claim and started to work. He soon made a respectable showing. It happened that Dad Curtis, the land owner, was also enamoured of [Tess] Williams and he called to pay his respects and urge her to become Mrs. Curtis, on the morning that Jack struck a pay streak. In his excitement Jack hurried to Tess's home to tell her of his success and incidentally hers if she so willed. Tess so willed--and poor old Dad returned home to cook a scheme to neutralize Jack's success. He payed a visit to Jack's camp and secured the lease that the young prospector had carelessly left, and employed a bunch of squatters to work the claim for him. When Jack returned from his successful wooing, he was ordered off his claim by the squatters unless he could show his lease, and as it was resting in the inside pocket of Dad Curtis, poor Jack was compelled to return to Tess empty-handed. Tess did some rapid thinking and then some rapid work. She called on Dad Curtis, not conventionally, but through the window incog, and requested the return of the lease at the point of a gun. She notified the sheriff and by her efforts the claim was promptly restored to Jack, and Tess then agreed to fight his battle for him for the rest of his life. -Moving Picture World, December 30, 1911, p. 1098.
Unique Occurences
Split reel released with "Broncho Busting for Flying "A" Pictures". May also be referred to as "A Claim Agents Misadventure".
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