Midwinter Trip to Los Angeles, A

Release Date:   January 01, 1912
Distributor:   Motion Picture Distribution & Sales Company
Reels:   1
Brand:   American
Genre:   Documentary
Director:   Samuel Hutchinson
Writer(s):   No Personal Information Available.
Story Summary:
Marengo Avenue in Pasadena, is first on the canvas. Its over-arching pepper trees make a sight not equaled elsewhere in America. Westmoreland Place, Pasadena, is followed by a view of the famous Busch gardens, property of the wealthy St. Louis brewer. Then follows delightful glimpses of the ascent of Mt. Lowe. This journey takes in the longest curving trestle in the United States, the "Gate Above the Clouds," and finally we reach the top of Mt. Lowe, 6,100 feet above the level of the sea and 2,000 feet higher than Lick Observatory. The world-famous Cawston ostrich farm is next where we see the visitors feeding Mr. and Mrs. Taft, largest ostriches in the world, with oranges. Also, the California alligator farm, with its 1,00[0] alligators of varying years and sizes. We see Okeechobee, 500 years old and over 16 feet in length. Then we are taken to the famous California oil well where we note with amazement that oil is being pumped even in the front yards of residences. Historic San Gabriel Mission is next. We observe that magnificent home of Paul de Longpre, America's most famous flower painter. Then for the Los Angeles pigeon farm, where 500,000 white pigeons make a fairy snow storm as we stroll through the yard. -Moving Picture World, December 30, 1911, p. 1098.
Unique Occurences
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