Her Heritage

Release Date:   May 12, 1914
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Beauty
Genre:   Social Drama
Director:   Harry Pollard
Confirmed Cast:   No Personal Information Available, Margarita Fischer, Harry Pollard, Gladys Kingsbury, Joseph Harris,
Story Summary:
Mrs. Dr. Van Arsdale, a young woman of more than ordinary attainments, happily married to a physician with a large and growing practice, finds herself alone frequently, and a craving for alcohol, which she has inheritied from her father, takes a hold on her. An old sweetheart, Preston Warren, moves in the same circle and at a social function where Mrs. Van Arsdale has permitted her inherited craving too much latitude, he volunteers to take her home, but instead takes her to hs apartments, where he has his mother watch over her during the night, while he stays at his club. The doctor anxiously awaits his wife's return. In the morning when she awakens and learns where she is, she imagines most anything and rushes home to her husband, demanding that he kill Warren. Warren, upon request, calls on the doctor. The mother has accidentally heard over the telephone what may take place and rushes to the doctor's in time to prevent any serious consequences and tells that she slept within reach of Mrs. Van Arsdale all night. The doctor and Mrs. Van Arsdale are reconciled, and her inherited appetite is overcome. - Santa Barbara Morning Press, July 13 1914
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