Flurry in Hats, A

Release Date:   April 28, 1914
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Beauty
Genre:   Comedy
Director:   Harry Pollard
Writer(s):   J. Hungerford,
Confirmed Cast:   Margarita Fischer, Harry Pollard, Fred Gamble, Mary Scott, Jane Shafer,
Story Summary:
Hattie Hood, seeing an advertisement in a newspaper offering hats at a greatly reduced price, asks her husband, Knox Dunlap, to give her the money to buy one. He refuses. She complains to her father who induces the husband to part with the price. Hattie buys the hat and joyfully exhibits it to her mother who immediately wants one like it, but the father, Capt. Hood refuses, so Hattie gives Mother Hood her hat. When Knox learns this, he immediately demands his money back, and Capt. Hood reluctantly complies with his request. In the meantime Hattie reads where the ad says, "Hats on Credit." She immediately buys one. Mother Hood regrets taking Hattie's hat and returns it to her by Bridget Stetson the cook. The mother sees ad offering credit and she also buys a hat. Bridget takes a peep into the hat box when she arrives at Hattie's and covets the hat. She accidentally sees ad offering credit and forthwith sets out to buy a hat like Hattie's. Capt. Hood, sorry at refusing Mother Hood a hat, buys her one. Knox, also repentant, buys a hat for Hattie. Each with a hat, finally arrive at Capt. Hood's home. To the amusement of all they find that all the hats are alike, which is bad enough, but the "last straw" is reached when Bridget marches in to display her "creation," which is precisely like all the others. She is made to retreat and the numerous hats follow after. - Moving Picture World, May 1914
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