David Gray's Estate

Release Date:   April 22, 1914
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Drama
Director:   Lorimer Johnston
Writer(s):   S. Kamm,
Confirmed Cast:   Sydney Ayres, Charlotte Burton, Harry Von Meter, Caroline Cooke, Louise Lester, Edith Borella,
Story Summary:
Interpretation of a famous poem, the blacksmith's envy for a rich landowner, the resuce of his children from fire, and subsequent joy, with the contrast of the rich man's sorrow being the theme of a fine story. - The Bioscope, June 18, 1914
Unique Occurences
Poem the film is based on: "Over his forge bent David Gray And thought of the rich man 'cross the way 'Hammer and anvil for me,' he said. 'And weary toil for my children's bread.' 'For Him, soft carpets and pictured walls, A life of ease in his spacious halls.' The clang of bells on ihs dreaming broke. A flicker of flame, a whirl of smoke. Horses unshod, forge grown white-hot. Coat and hat were alike forgot. As up the highway the blacksmith ran. In face and mien a crazy man. 'School-house afire!' Men's hearts stood still. And the women prayed, as women will. While 'bove the tumult the wailing cry Of frigtened children rose shrill and high. Night in its shadows hid sun and earth. The rich man sat by his costly hearth. Lord of wide acres and untold gold, But wifeless, childless, forlorn and old. He thought of the family 'cross the way. 'I would.' he sighed, 'I were David Gray.' The blacksmith stood by his children's bed, To look once more at each smiling head. 'My darlings all safe! Oh, God!' he cried. 'My sin in Thy boundless mercy hide.' 'Only today have I learned how great Hath been Thy bounty and my estate.'" - Printed in The Moving Picture World, Vol. 20, No. 2, pg. 420
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