Man Who Came Back, The

Release Date:   April 21, 1914
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Beauty
Genre:   Comedy
Director:   Harry Pollard
Confirmed Cast:   Margarita Fischer, Harry Pollard, Joseph Harris, Adelaide Bronti, Edith Borella,
Story Summary:
Donald Baxter, a young broker, ruined financially and resolves to start life again and "come back." He does so, at the end of five years returning incognito. He purchases his old home, but gives out the impression that it is his valet, Mr. Hawkins, who is the successful "Klondyke Millionaire." His one-time fiancee and her purse-proud mother at once endeavor to cultivate Hawkins whom Baxter prevails upon to enter society, much to his discomfiture. In the meantime, Baxter, passing as still a poor man, meets and falls in love with pretty Mabelle Arnold, the ward of the Porters. Eventually, the true identities of Hawkins and Baxter are disclosed, causing the haughty Mrs. Porter and her daughter, Helen, much chagrin and the pretty Mabelle much pleasure, as she and Baxter plan to share sorrows and joys. - Moving Picture World, April 1914
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