Mlle. La Mode

Release Date:   April 14, 1914
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Beauty
Genre:   Comedy-drama
Director:   Harry Pollard
Writer(s):   M. McKinstry,
Confirmed Cast:   Margarita Fischer, Adelaide Bronti, Harry Pollard, Fred Gamble, Joseph Harris, Mary Scott,
Story Summary:
The Knox and Lee families are old pioneers of Santa Barbara. The old gentlemen have long since agreed that their only children shall wed, thereby eventually bringing two considerable estates under one head. The boy, Paul Knox, Jr., has been abroad for several years and upon his return, when Knox, Sr., accquaints him with his wishes, Paul, with some spirit, declares himself and leaves his father's house, determined to shift for himself. Miss Margaret Lee, when informed by her father, is likewise independent and determined some one of her own choosing will be her husband, she quits her home and secures a position as model in a fashionable suit house. Paul, who has obtained employment as a chauffeur, meets her as a model. They fall in love and use fictitious names and do not discover their real identity until, while securing a marriage license, they are asked to sign their names. Of course, they are much suprised and laugh at the hopelessness of attempting to avoid that which fate has arranged for them and conclude to return home and be introduced properly. - The Moving Picture World, April, 1914
Unique Occurences
Promoted as an "intense drama" in American ads in The Moving Picture World but... "A charming comedy in which Margarita Fischer wears many 1914 spring styles in ladies Garments and Millinery." - The Bioscope, June 11, 1914 "A pretty love story, featuring Margarita Fischer, and presenting a magnificant show of the latest spring fashions. " - Supplement to The Bioscope, June 18, 1914
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