
Release Date:   April 07, 1914
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Beauty
Genre:   Drama
Director:   Harry Pollard
Writer(s):   Perry Banks,
Confirmed Cast:   Margarita Fischer, Joseph Harris, Fred Gamble, Violet Neitz, Harry Pollard,
Story Summary:
Roger Carlin, a young artist, weary of the festive life of the city, seeks the quiet of the country. There he meets May West. He fascinates her with his stories of life in the world. She falls in love with him. He, at the end of his vacation, leaves her with a promise to shortly return and make her his wife. The weeks grow into a year and he does not return. Added sorrows come over May, and the spectre os death stops long enough to take its toll. May, smarting under her great wrong, vows to hunt out the father and make him suffer as she has done. Years pass. Roger becomes famous. He meets a celebrated actress and falls in love with her, but is engaged to marry a rich girl of social standing. With guests assembled, the minister, about to proclaim Roger and Mary Traux man and wife, the actress appears, forbids the marriage and throwing off her wig and cloak, reveals herself as May West, clad in a simple country dress. Roger's ruin is affected and May's vow fulfilled; but she goes to her apartments with a higher thought than vengeance now and determines to be a credit to herself. - Moving Picture World, April 1914
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