Coming of the Padres, The

Release Date:   March 18, 1914
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Period Drama
Director:   Lorimer Johnston
Writer(s):   Lorimer Johnston,
Confirmed Cast:   Sydney Ayres, Vivian Rich, Caroline Cooke, Louise Lester, Jack Richardson, Harry Von Meter, Edith Borella, Violet Neitz, Perry Banks, Jacques Jaccard,
Story Summary:
When, in 1782, the Rev. Junipero Serra celebrated the first mass in Santa Barbara he little dreamed that almost a century and a half later the incident would be perpetuated to posterity by moving pictures. At the bi-centennial of the birth of Father Serra, recently held at Santa Barbara, fac-simile of the "Hermita," in which the founder had celebrated mass, was erected and used for solemn High Mass. The religious rites are simply incident to the dramatic production, portraying the conflict that raged between civil and military authorities. The costuming is historically correct and has been passed upon by competent authorities. Traveler and student alike will be interested in this absorbing production. The Santa Barbara Mission was not completed during the life of Father Serra and proved a great disappointment to him, but his confidence was so great, that the work was taken up by his loyal successors and executed most faithfully. - Moving Picture World, March, 1914
Unique Occurences
Also known as "The Planting of the Cross".
Additional Info

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