Diamond From the Sky - Chapter 28, The

Release Date:   November 08, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   2
Brand:   North American
Genre:   Serial Drama
Director:   William Taylor
Story Summary:
"On the Wings of the Morning" Hagar’s van has been struck by lightning and she is dying, not many miles from the mansion of her son, the supposed John Powell, millionaire. Luke Lovell lies dead with his face crushed beyond recognition and clad in John Powell’s clothes wearing the mad millionaire’s jewelry with the latter’s wallet and private papers. Also on the dead man’s breast is the diamond from the sky! Escaping unseen from his mansion, as the dead man, supposed to be him, is brought into the house, Arthur Stanley—John Powell no more—flies to his hangar at dawn and taking out his aeroplane, resolves to mount the wings of the morning and destroy himself by plunging into the sea. But on the wings of the morning, hope and a high desire to live and be clean and whole again, comes over Arthur. He turns and flies inland and sees the caravan of the gypsy people, and then the great machine, tampered with by Blair, snaps, falls from the giddy height, and lands crushed, battered and broken. In the wreckage, seemingly dead, lies the son of Hagar, who was Arthur Stanley, false heir to the Stanley earldom and the diamond from the sky and who was later, John Powell, the mad millionaire. And thus Esther beholds him, cold and white and still, come back to her! - Moving Picture World, November 13, 1915, p. 1380.
Unique Occurences
See Chapter One for cast list.
Additional Info

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