Carbon Copy, A

Release Date:   February 28, 1914
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Drama
Director:   Thomas Ricketts
Writer(s):   Marjorie Felkner,
Confirmed Cast:   Winnifred Greenwood, Edward Coxen, George Field, William Bertram, Marion Murray, Edith Borella, Ida Lewis, Violet Neitz,
Story Summary:
John Allen, a building contractor possessed of orthodox ideals of the standard of womanhood, finds his theories exploded by the deportment of his sister. His mother is also modernized and a sore disappointment. His confidence in women in general is shaken, and whether in business or social life he seems to be destined to live the life of a hermit. Grey & Son, wishing to underbid Allen on a contract, send their stenographer, Agnes, to get a position in his office, and steal the bid. Allen, disappointed in women, believes Agnes different, and they fall in love, Agnes deciding to break her word to Grey. Allen seeing her with Grey, jumps at conclusions, tells her no woman is trustworthy, which forces her to keep her word, and take a carbon copy of the bid. She discovers later that in her hurry she puts the carbon in wrong, making no copy, confesses all to Allen. Her frankness and full confession cause him to experience a change of heart and the story concludes with the two principals in a fond embrace. - Moving Picture World, February 1914
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