Professor's Awakening, The

Release Date:   February 25, 1914
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Beauty
Genre:   Romance
Director:   Harry Pollard
Confirmed Cast:   Margarita Fischer, Harry Pollard, Fred Gamble, Joseph Harris, Josephine Ditt,
Story Summary:
Professor Blake is engaged in writing a great scientific work that shall startle the world. He becomes so absorbed in his task that he neglects all other matters, to the exasperation of his married sister, with whom he lives. Wearied by her continual reproaches on his bachelor state, and urgent counsels to marry, he leaves the house secretly and moves into a fisherman's hut near the sea, where he can work undisturbed. Here he becomes unconsciously interested in the fisherman's daughter until a catastrophe would have destroyed, except for the girl's bravery, the labor of years. Disfigured, perhaps for life, the girl's self-sacrifice jars him from his self-centered frame of mind, and unable to concentrate his mind upon his work, he loses all interest in his labors, and aroused by the depth of his feelings for the girl, he begs her to marry him. At first, doubtful of the survival of his love, over his disfigurement, she at first refuses him, but later she is convinced of his love and accepts him. - Moving Picture World, February 1914
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