Money Lender, The

Release Date:   February 14, 1914
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Drama
Writer(s):   Guy Evans,
Confirmed Cast:   Helen Armstrong, William Bertram, Edward Coxen, William Eason, Winnifred Greenwood, Marion Murray,
Story Summary:
Old Philip Swan, close-fisted, cold-hearted, money lender, had one redeeming quality; he loved and was deeply devoted to his little daughter, Ethel. One of Swan's assets was a mortgage on the property of Edward Gauss, an humble locksmith. Owing to manifold misfortunes, Gauss is unable to keep up the interest and Swan loses no time in foreclosing. Kind-hearted Dr. Ashley, who has tried in vain to make Swan a little merciful, gives Gauss and his family temporary quarters after the old home is lost. Swan gets a new safe; before he learns the combination he deposits in it the deed for the Gauss property. Ethel while at play locks the safe. That night Ethel is taken ill. A doctor who is summoned, confesses the case is beyond his skill and says Dr. Ashley is the only man who might effect a cure. Swan hates to go to Ashley, but pride yields to love, and Dr. Ashley is called. He says an immediate treatment will save the child, and demands as advance fee the transfer to the Gauss deed. Of course Swan demurs, but he finally yields to terms. He goes to the safe to get the deed, finds the safe has been locked, and realizes he cannot open it. His only salvation is to get Gauss. He appeals to the locksmith, but Gauss refuses to help. At length Gauss's wife persuades her husband to aid their enemy and the safe is opened. Dr. Ashley is given the deed, and Ethel is saved. The next morning Dr. Ashley assigns the deed to the bewildered and thankful locksmith. - Moving Picture World, February 1914
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