Diamond From the Sky - Chapter 27, The

Release Date:   November 01, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   2
Brand:   North American
Genre:   Serial Drama
Director:   William Taylor
Story Summary:
"Mine Own People" Hagar, the gypsy queen, endeavors to convince Esther that she, Esther, must take her place as the rightful heir of Stanley Hall. Sick of sacrifices and deception, Hagar demands that the dark secrets of years shall be opened to the light! She demands that the whole truth be known, that the supposed Arthur Stanley, a fugitive from justice in Virginia, and known as John Powell, a millionaire in the far West, be acknowledged for who he is - her own son, a gypsy changeling, bought at birth and made the false heir to the Stanley Earldom in England and the diamond from the sky. Hagar declares a humble gypsy woman, such as she, cannot share a home with Esther Stanley of Stanley Hall, when the rightful position of the latter is acknowledged. Esther refuses her birthright and the two women decide to make one last effort to save Arthur Stanley from the sinful influences that surround him. Again as gypsy queen and gypsy princess, the two start with their gypsy caravan on the long journey across the continent from Virginia to California. Arthur, as John Powell, sickens of his sins and longs to shake off the shackles that bind him to his evil ways. The diamond, taken by Luke to Quabba and by Quabba brought to Hagar, is returned to Arthur with his mother's prayer. In this hour of humiliation Arthut learns that Blair, whom he trusted, has robbed him treacherously. He also learns at last that Vivian, who has woven her spells around him, is a wantonm, wicked woman. He determines to destroy himself. As Arthur is about to drink a toast to death, his hand is strangely stayed as the chapter ends. - Moving Picture World, November 13, 1915
Unique Occurences
See Chapter One for cast list.
Additional Info

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