Substitute Minister, The

Release Date:   November 15, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   2
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Drama
Director:   William Eason
Confirmed Cast:   Alfred Vosburgh, Vivian Rich,
Story Summary:
John Drummond, a member of the band of thieves, escapes a police raid. He conceals himself in Bishop Gould's house. Donning the clergyman's coat and hat, he escapes his pursuers. On leaving the grounds, a messenger arrives with a telegram addressed to Bishop Gould from Rev. Drysdale, pastor of the Cedarville church, asking for a substitute minister. He goes to Cedarville, where he impersonates a preacher, falls in love with Muriel Drysdale and she becomes interested in him. He delays his flight from week to week. In the meantime he experiences a change of heart and tries to lead a righteous life. Rev. Drysdale leaves the hospital, meets Bishop Gould, and thanks him for sending a substitute. The Bishop is amazed. They ask the sheriff to solve the mystery and he quickly sizes up the situation. They hurry to Cedarville and arrive there during the church services. They take a back seat. Drummond sees them enter and realizes that all is up. He tells the story of his life, pointing to himself as the sermon. The Bishop recognizes Drummond as his long lost son and publicly acknowledges it, greeting him affectionately, turns to the sheriff, but he has disappeared. Drummond publicly gives Muriel credit for his reformation and everything ends happily. - Moving Picture World, November 1915
Unique Occurences
This was Alfred Vosburgh's debut appearance for American.
Additional Info

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