This Is the Life

Release Date:   November 13, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   3
Brand:   Mustang
Genre:   Comedy
Director:   William Bertram
Writer(s):   Charles Van Loan,
Confirmed Cast:   Art Acord, Adele Farrington, Larry Peyton, Charles Newton,
Story Summary:
Addie Gibble, wife of Elmer Gibble, a prosperous business man, tires of domestic life and longs to shine as a moving picture star. Mr. Gibble, of different disposition, is quite content to have her remain the star of his home. She announces her intention of applying to James Montague, director of the Titan Moving Picture Company for a place. Gibble beats her to it; sees Montague first and makes certain arrangements with that gentleman. Mrs. Gibble appears and is promptly engaged by Montague to play the star part in his mining camp story. Mrs. Gibble tells her husband of her success in securing a place, he pretends to object, then gives in. Mrs. Gibble appears at the studio with Martha, her colored maid. They are shown into a small dressing room, where both women become frightened at a cockroach, scream for help and Buck Parvin comes to their rescue. Mrs. Gibble is instructed to dress for the part of a cook in a mining camp. She appears in fluffs and ruffled and is promptly "bawled out" by Montague, who compels her to put on a dirty gingham dress. She then learns to bake pancakes over a red hot stove, much to her disgust. In the next scene, Buck Parvin spurns and hurls the ambitious Mrs. Gibble to the floor repeatedly in all her fine clothes. Mrs. Gibble does all kinds of hard kitchen work. Mrs. Gibble is then compelled to appear in a "chase," fleeing from a band of angry miners. She runs until she drops from exhaustion to the great delight of all the onlookers. After a day's work, Buck remarks to her, "Well, ma'am, this is the life." That night in her boudoir, tired, sore and bruised, when Mr. Gibble inquires about her work, she gamely responds, "Oh, this is the life!" Moving Picture World, November 13, 1915
Unique Occurences
The third of this excellent series of three-reel comedies adapted from Chas. E. Van Loan's stories is entitled "This is the Life". - Moving Picture World, November 27, 1915
Additional Info
A similar title, "This is th' Life" was used by AFC the previous year for a two reel drama.

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