To Rent, Furnished

Release Date:   November 12, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Comedy-Drama
Director:   William Eason
Confirmed Cast:   Walter Spencer, Vivian Rich, Bessie Banks, Harry Edmondson,
Story Summary:
Kate Proctor and Billie Tilton are in love. Billie is so sure of Kate that he procures a marriage license, thinking to persuade Kate to marry him at once. Kate becomes angry at Billie’s sureness and says she will never even speak to him again. Reverend and Mrs. jones, who own a pretty little bungalow in the hills, decide to rent their home furnished during their vacation. Kate arranges with Mrs. Jones for the bungalow. Meanwhile Rev. Jones lists the house with a real estate agent. Later, the agent’s office boy is notified that the place has been rented, and he leaves a note to this effect for the agent. The note is blown from the desk. The agent rents the bungalow to Billie, who goes to take possession. Kate, an artist, has left the house to make some sketches, and Billie arrives during her absence. Thinking her effects are those of the owners, he gathers them up and lays them away. When Kate returns to the house and finds her things gone she thinks she has been robbed. Then her troubles start. She finds the telephone disconnected, the gas turned off and lights will not burn. Billie returns and enters the house with his key, but cannot get into his bedroom. Kate thinks he is a burglar as he tries to enter awindow. When she discovers it is Billie, she believes he has followed her to her retreat, and is further angered. Billie accepts the situation, and goes to the kitchen, where he is able to turn on gas and the lights, and starts cooking. Kate, lured out of her stronghold by the odor of food, accepts Billie’s explanations and they make up. Just at this point the Joneses, having learned of the double renting, return to straighten things out. Their advent is opportune, as Billie produces the marriage license, and the reverend gentleman performs the ceremony, thereby enabling the happy young couple to take over the lease jointly and live out their honeymoon in the bungalow in the hills. - Moving Picture World, Nov 6 1915, pg. 1198
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