Man to Man

Release Date:   November 12, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   2
Brand:   Mustang
Genre:   Drama
Director:   Donald MacDonald
Confirmed Cast:   Jack Richardson, Anna Little,
Story Summary:
Bill is the foreman of the Diamond "D" ranch, owned by Robert Chalmers, an Eastern capitalist, who visits the ranch, accompanied by his niece, Pearl. Bill accompanies her on many rides and soon falls in love with Pearl. They meet Millie Thompson, a half-demented girl, and Bill tells Pearl that Jim Clawson and Millie were engaged to be married years ago. Jim had a claim and went East to sell it, hoping to marry Millie on his return. Jim was buncoed out of his claim by an Eastern broker and in despair shot himself. The shock robbed Millie of her reason. He told Pearl that if he ever found the man who buncoed Jim, he would avenge Jim's untimely death. One evening Bill sees Pearl in and evening gown, the center of many admirers. For the first time he realizes the wide gulf between them and sadly concludes that he has no right to think of her as his wife. He resolutely remains away from her, and she could not understand the change that had come over him. When Pearl returns East, she realizes how much she cares for Bill. Later, Bill hears of Pearl's engagement to a wealthy Easterner. Bill goes to town to drown his sorrow. He meets a cowboy friend, just returned from the East, who tells him her has located the man who swindled Jim Clawson, in the person of Ralph Martin. Bill starts at once for the East, determined on vengeance. He finds Martin and denounces him, grabbing him by the throat. At that moment, he sees a photograph of Pearl on Martin's desk. He asks what it is doing there, and is told by Martin "that is the girl I am going to marry." Bill releases his hold on Martin and at that moment, Pearl breaks here engagement with Martin, who retires, humiliated. A few months later Bill and Pearl find their hearts' desire in the great West, where they bravely and happily face life together. - Moving Picture World, November 6, 1915
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