Diamond From the Sky - Chapter 26, The

Release Date:   October 25, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   2
Brand:   North American
Genre:   Serial Drama
Director:   William Taylor
Story Summary:
"The Garden of the Gods" Arthur Stanley, alias John Powell, the sport of fortune since his birth, finds that wherever a man goes he takes the bitter recollections of his own wickedness and weakness with him. He journeys far. In his drug fevered dreams he visits the Garden of the Gods, where men pursue the phantoms of their hopes. Ever before him is the sweet vision of Esther, and ever behind him are the wraiths of the sins he has sinned, driving him like demons. While Esther prays for Stanley in far away Virginia, he throws aside the husk of his sordid self and journeys to the Garden of the Gods in pursuit of his guardian angel - his spiritual self - in the semblance of Esther. Meanwhile, de Vaux in disguise has the diamond and lies hidden with it in an Italian lodging house. Here, irked by confinement, he succumbs to wine and women's wiles and shows the great gem to the fascinating, dark-eyes daughter of his landlady. And then the lamp beneath which the diamond glistens is shattered - and in the darkness a hand has grasped the diamond, when lights are brought in again and the baleful gem has vanished. - Moving Picture World, November 1915
Unique Occurences
See Chapter One for cast list.
Additional Info

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