Her Adopted Father

Release Date:   November 09, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Beauty
Genre:   Comedy
Director:   Archer McMackin
Confirmed Cast:   Frank Borzage, Estelle Allen, Lucille Ward, William Carroll, Rosemary McMackin,
Story Summary:
Ed Harte, a gay and dissipated young bachelor, is the despair of his valet, Jenks. Marion Cosgrove, a young widow, forced by circumstances, places her little daughter, Sue, in the care of Mrs. Grumpus, who is addicted to drink. Little Sue is treated right except when her guardian is intoxicated. One day while drunk she abuses Sue, who runs away. She comes across Hart, who is leaning against a lamp post, unsteady from the previous night's debauch. Sue sympathizes with him and starts to lead him away from a policeman, telling him that Ed is her father. The policeman follows then to Ed's home, where Sue is taken in, Jenks is astounded. Sue promptly takes a bottle of liquor away from Ed. The two men are perplexed and finally decide to keep sue, being unable to find her mother. Sue transforms Ed into a better man. Mrs. Grumpus was sent to jail for six months, and Sue's mother is unable to find her daughter. She eventually locates the child, but Sue refused to go unless Hart and Jenks accompany them. Hart has a better plan. He proposes that Sue's mamma stay with him. Mamma consents and the new home is made happy. - Moving Picture World, November 6, 1915
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