Alice of Hudson Bay

Release Date:   November 08, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   2
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Drama
Director:   Charles Bartlett
Confirmed Cast:   Winnifred Greenwood, George Field, Edward Coxen, Charles Newton, Lizette Thorne,
Story Summary:
John Gale, a trapper, lives in the Canadian backwoods with his daughter, Alice. He discovers Ralph Martin stealing from his traps. A fight follows, in which each recognizes the other as a fellow clerk in the East twenty years before,when Gale was accused of murder. He was innocent, but the evidence was against him and he fled with his daughter, Alice, whose mother was dead. Martin reminds him of the past and makes his home with Gale. He forces his attentions on Alice and she repulses him, being engaged to Frank Moss of the Canadian Mounted Police. Gale refuses to help Martin and the latter secretly notifies the police of Gale's whereabouts. Frank is sent out to arrest Gale, which he does in spite of Alice's pleading. She breaks their engagement. Alice follows them to the jail and manages to release her father. They both make their escape to the distant gold fields. Frank is dismissed for allowing Gale to escape. Gale makes his home in a deserted hut in the mountains. Unknown to them, Martin is placer-mining nearby. One day while out together Gale returns home, leaving Alice, who is discovered by Martin. He forces his attention; she creams and is rescued by Frank. In the fight, Martin is hurled from a cliff and mortally wounded. On his return home, Gale is arrested by the police. Before dying, Martin confesses to the murder of which Gale is accused. Gale is freed. Alice and Frank are reconciled. - Moving Picture World, November 6, 1915
Unique Occurences
Additional Info
Although a two reel film the British Film Institute print has only 680 feet left. The production value in this film is not very convincing as the Yukon however there is some good cinematography. - DD

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