Diamond From the Sky - Chapter 25, The

Release Date:   October 18, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   2
Brand:   North American
Genre:   Serial Drama
Director:   William Taylor
Story Summary:
"A House of Cards" Luke Lovell, aided by Quabba, escapes from prison. Esther returns to Richmond to the loving arms of her foster mother, Hagar Harding, who has fully recovered her reason. Together they depart for Stanley Hall, grieving that Arthur has forfeited their affection for luxury and evil ways with evil companion. Yet Esther keeps his last disgraceful secret from his broken-heartes mother - that his wicked associated have made a drug fiend of him. Arthur, in remorse, resolves to free himself from Durand, who in the guise of a physician has gotten him addicted to Morphine. On his last night, in the Powell mansion, Durand, whose one purpose has always been to secure the priceless diamond from the sky, doubly drugs "John Powell," and while his confederate de Vaux waits outside Durand forces the cabinet in the drug addicted millionaire's room and secures the diamond. But Blair thwarts the desperate swindler. In a struggle in the half lit room, the frenzied men struggle like beasts. At last Blair's superior strength tells. He beats Durand frightfully with a slugshot and thrusts him from an open window. The arch swindler falls to the ground below and breaks his neck. His accomplice, the watchful de Vaux, snatches the diamond from the relaxing arm of the dead man and flees in the darkness. - Moving Picture World, November 6, 1915
Unique Occurences
See Chapter One for cast list.
Additional Info

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