Playing for High Stakes

Release Date:   October 29, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   2
Brand:   Mustang
Genre:   Western Drama
Director:   Donald MacDonald
Confirmed Cast:   Mary Gladdings, Anna Little, Walter Spencer, Jack Richardson, Louise Lester,
Story Summary:
Bert Andrews and his sister, Nellie, go to Lone Star, where Bert is to assume the duties of treasurer of the Gold Reef Mining Company. Nellie takes with her their old nurse, “Aunt Nancy.” The big man of the camp is “Dandy” Jim, so-called because of his personal neatness, so different form the usual type of mining men. “Dandy” Jim is the sole owner of the Lone Star Saloon. He has lived in mining camps all his life, and his knowledge of women is based on the only type he has ever known—the women of the saloon and dance hall; and there is no doubt in “Dandy’s” mind that all women have their price. “Dandy” meets Nellie and realizes that she is the woman he has dreamed about—a woman who cannot be bought—but in spite of his conviction, he cannot bring himself to believe that such can possibly be the case. Bert falls into evil ways and goes from bad to worse. Several times “Dandy” hides Bert’s escapades from Nellie. Bert plans to rob his employers and elope with “Handsome Liz.” “Dandy” discovers the plot and on the appointed night dopes Bert’s drinks, and discovers that the young man has taken money from his employers. He secretly banishes “Handsome Liz” from the camp and restores the money to the company’s safe. When Bert regains consciousness, he discovers his loss and frantically appeals to Nellie for help. She goes to “Dandy,” who agrees to give her the money if she will come to his house that night for it. She goes. He locks the door and hands her the money, and as she takes it, asks her if she is willing to pay the price. Like a tigress she turns on him, declaring that not even to save her brother from disgrace will she sacrifice her honor. - Moving Picture World, October 23, 1915, p. 684.
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