Touring With Tillie

Release Date:   October 26, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Beauty
Genre:   Comedy
Director:   Archer McMackin
Confirmed Cast:   Frank Borzage, Neva Gerber, Lucille Ward,
Story Summary:
Tillie Gray and Aunt Pansy are touring in their auto in the Santa Ynez Valley in California. They prepare their wayside camp, gather firewood and Pansy captures a stray chicken. Cliff Burridge, owner of the ranch appears, and warns them away, claiming the chicken. Tillie indignantly pays for the chicken and they leave. Burridge repents of his action, pities the hungry women, resolves to follow and protect them. He kills two chickens, follows the women, and leaves the chickens at their night camp unobserved, together with a whistle and a note. The ladies are instructed to blow the whistle if they ever need help. They keep the chickens. Aunt Pansy blows the whistle in a field nearby. He rescues her from an enraged cow. Tillie plans to escape from the persistent suitor. Cliff follows but loses them. Two tramps invade Tillie’s camp, raid the supplies, terrorize and rob the women. Aunt Pansy blows the whistle. Cliff appears and in a flight is shot in the hand. He drives off the tramps with a hot poker. He renews his suit and Tillie decides to accept a half ownership in Cliff’s Santa Ynez ranch. Aunt Pansy is delighted. - Moving Picture World, October 23, 1915, p. 676.
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