Deserted at the Auto

Release Date:   October 23, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Beauty
Genre:   Comedy-drama
Director:   Jack Dillon
Confirmed Cast:   Carol Holloway, Dick Rosson, John Sheehan, Bessie Banks,
Story Summary:
Paul Benson and Mable Brown are married. At the wedding breakfast Fred, Jack and Harry plan to abduct the bridegroom as he is starting on his honeymoon. Mabel enters the waiting auto, and as Paul is about to spring in after her, he is seized by the three conspirators and carried off in another car. Despite the protests of the bride, the chauffeur drives Mabel to the depot, while the frantic young husband around and around town till his auto breaks down. Mabel goes home to her mother, tearfully explaining that she was deserted at the auto and that never, never again will she consent to see Paul. Paul is disgusted by her actions. Each sends the other a caustic note. They studiously avoid meeting—and both are intensely miserable. At last bride and groom are brought together at a beach resort. Mabel’s obstinacy melts—and she and Paul are reconciled. - Moving Picture World, October 30, 1915, p. 856.
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