Miracle of Life, The

Release Date:   October 21, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   4
Brand:   Mutual Masterpictures
Genre:   Drama
Director:   Harry Pollard
Confirmed Cast:   Margarita Fischer, Joseph Singleton,
Story Summary:
When a young bride, newly entered into society, discovers she is pregnant, she consults an old friend on the most effective means of abortion. The friend gives her a potent drug, and that night the woman locks herself in her room, presses the potion bottle to her lips, falls across her bed and begins to dream. In her dream, her husband finds out about her abortion and demands a divorce. Years pass and the woman, now decrepit and alone, is visited by the ghost of her "Child-That-Might-Have-Been." The ghost takes her on a spiritual journey where she sees her husband, who is remarried and happy with his own family, hundreds of smiling babies wrapped in flowers in Babyland, and finally her own death and damnation. At her demise, she wakes from her nightmare, joyful to find the drug untouched, and rushes to tell her husband about her impending motherhood. -AFI
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