Alias James - Chauffeur

Release Date:   October 19, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Beauty
Genre:   Romance
Director:   James Douglass
Confirmed Cast:   Neva Gerber, Frank Borzage, No Personal Information Available,
Story Summary:
Frank Barton, apparently a wealthy bachelor, has the reputation among his neighbors of being a woman hater. Neva Stewart, a young and pretty girl who lives next door, decides to invite Frank to a dance. He receives the invitation with pleasure, but declines with regret. Neva is disappointed. She conceives the idea of masquerading as Frank’s chauffeur. She bribes his chauffeur and dresses in man’s clothes. The chauffeur feigns illness and sends Neva in his place. Frank at once recognizes her, but conceals the fact. They go for a ride in his auto. He picks up his sister at her home, and, by prearrangement, does not let Neva know who she is. He kisses the sister and is seen by Neva. By this time Neva realizes that she is in love with Frank and becomes very jealous. On their return to Frank’s house, Neva starts to tell Frank of her deception, but he stops her with the information that he has loved her for months, showing her a newspaper with her photograph in it. Then he shows her why he let her think he was a woman hater. He shows her a child in bed, and tells her he is a widower and must care for the little tot. Neva is delighted and tells him that she will make as good a nurse as she was chauffeur. They pledge their love, and the scene ends happily for all. - Moving Picture World, October 16, 1915, p. 512.
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