Diamond From the Sky - Chapter 24, The

Release Date:   October 11, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   2
Brand:   North American
Genre:   Serial Drama
Director:   William Taylor
Story Summary:
Arthur Stanley, known as John Powell, the mad millionaire, has bought the diamond from the sky at the circus auction. He determines to give a wild ete that shall be memorable. At the fete, he rides horseback into his grand ballroom, attired as Sir Arthur Stanley, the cavalier ancestor, and recites the supernatural story of the falling of the diamond from the sky in a meteor, three centuries ago. Esther confronts him in his luxury and dissipation, as he is about to bestow the diamond from the sky upon the wanton Vivian. Realizing now that Esther is near him in the flesh and is not the chimera of a diseased brain, as the conspirators had convinced him, Arthur repudiates his wicked companions and appeals to Esther wildly for her love and forgiveness and he proffers her the diamond from the sky. In this dramatic moment, Esther learns the awful truth - the man she loves is a drug weakling. She throws the diamond from her in disdain; it flies through the window somewhere in the nigh and Esther walks proudly away, leaving him sobbing in his weakness and degradation, surrounded by the evil companions who have dragged him down to this. Outside, in the dawn the diamond from the sky hangs on a rosebush. Moving Picture World, October 30, 1915
Unique Occurences
See Chapter One for cast list.
Additional Info

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