Two Spot Joe

Release Date:   October 15, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   2
Brand:   Mustang
Genre:   Western
Director:   Donald MacDonald
Confirmed Cast:   Anna Little, E. Taylor, Jack Richardson, Louise Lester,
Story Summary:
Tom and Jennie, recently married, finding few chances for advancement in the East, decide to go West. Tom goes and leaves Jennie with his mother, promising to send for them. Tom is a weak character and is soon lured into the dance hall life. He squanders his money on Stella, a dance hall girl. Broke, he writes to his mother for funds, representing that he needs money to develop a valuable claim. She sends it, and wife and mother take in sewing to support themselves. Tom immediately spends the money on Stella and boasts of it. He is overheard by “Two Spot” Joe, who sees a locket containing the pictures of Tom’s wife and mother. Tom stakes the locket in gambling with “Two Spot” Joe, and loses it. “Two Spot” keeps it, supposing the pictures of Jennie to be Tom’s sister. Tom leaves with Stella. A bank in the East fails and Tom’s mother loses all her money. The shock of it kills her. Jennie goes West, supposing that Tom is prospering. Tom is arrested for a hold-up and jailed. Joe gets Jennie’s letter, and goes to the jail, releases Tom, gives him money, and tells him to “beat it.” Joe cares for Jennie on her arrival, and tells her Tom died rescuing a man in a mine. He discovers that she is a wife instead of Tom’s sister, and he loves her deeply. Tom hears that Joe and Jennie are living together, and starts back to kill Joe, falls over a precipice and is killed. Joe, realizing the mistake he has made, leaves a note to Jennie explaining all. As he leaves, he finds Tom’s body, buries it and rushes back to Jennie. He discovers her as she is about to read his note. He takes the note from her and confesses his love. - Moving Picture World, October 16, 1915
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