Aided by the Movies

Release Date:   October 16, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Beauty
Genre:   Comedy
Director:   James Douglass
Confirmed Cast:   Carol Holloway, John Steppling, John Sheehan, Dick Rosson, Lillian Christy,
Story Summary:
John and Carol are in love. Her father objects to John and favors Dick. Carol’s father is of a gay disposition and starts a flirtation with the leading lady of a moving picture company. They take supper together, and “make a night of it.” The next day the leading lady does not appear at the studio, and the company is compelled to take a day off. The director of the company is a friend of John’s, and enters into a scheme to effect the marriage of John and Carol through a ruse. John secures a “parson” and a marriage license, and the movie company arranges to take a picture of a marriage ceremony on the front porch of Carol’s home. The plan is carried out with Carol and John acting as the principals in the ceremony. Carol’s father and Dick act as the witnesses. After the ceremony, Carol’s father congratulates the “parson” on the realistic manner in which he has acted, and discovers that the ceremony is real. He is furious. The leading woman turns up and persuades him to accept the situation, which he finally does. - Moving Picture World, October 9, 1915
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