Visitors and Visitees

Release Date:   October 22, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Social Drama
Director:   Charles Bartlett
Confirmed Cast:   Winnifred Greenwood, Edward Coxen, George Field, Frank Thorne, Lizette Thorne,
Story Summary:
Martin is a businessman in Big City. Ruth is his wife. While Purdy is at his office, Bess decides she will go to visit Mrs. Martin, and sends a note to Purdy. At the same time Purdy sends a note to Bess that he is going to the Big City on business. Each leaves without the other's knowledge. At the same time, Ruth Martin decides to visit Bess Purdy and phones her husband, Martin is elated. Bess Purdy arrives at Martin's house just as Ruth was preparing to leave. They decide to remain and have a good time, not advising Martin. Purdy visits Martin at his office, and the two men go out for "a night of it," as they suppose Mrs. Martin is visiting Mrs. Purdy. The men return home at 2 a.m. quite intoxicated. The ladies have retired. "Spider" Barlow, intent on robbing the Martin home, discovers the men having a hard time to get in, and offers to put them to bed. As he assists them into the house he cleverly robs them of their watches, rings and money. Martin gets into Mrs. Purdy's room and Purdy gets into Mrs. Martin's room. The women shriek and then recognize then men and proceed to "bawl them out." Explanations and reconciliations follow, and both men swear "Never Again." - Moving Picture World, October 16, 1915
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