Profit From Loss

Release Date:   October 15, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Drama
Director:   William Eason
Writer(s):   M. McKinstry, No Personal Information Available.
Confirmed Cast:   Vivian Rich, Walter Spencer, Jack Richardson, Louise Lester,
Story Summary:
Carter, a working man, draws his pay. On his way home he passes a saloon and, after the usual struggle, yields to temptation and enters. Harmon, a professional gambler, gets him into a card game and wins his money. After Harmon leaves, Carter learns he has been cheated, and goes in search of Harmon to regain his money by force. With no money and no food for herself and child, Carter’s wife goes out on the street to sell some flowers which had been given her. She enters a café where Harmon is drinking. At the urging of his female companion, he gives Mrs. Carter the money he has won. Later, Carter meets Harmon in a dark street and demands the return of his money. Harmon declares that he has given it all away. With empty pockets, Carter goes home to face his wife, and learns that it is to her that Harmon has given the money. Carter’s pay has reached its proper destination after all and he profits by his loss; for he writes a letter to his employer directing them in future to pay his wages to his wife. - Moving Picture World, October 9, 1915, p. 332.
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