Unseen Vengeance, The

Release Date:   December 30, 1914
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Drama
Director:   Thomas Ricketts
Writer(s):   Adele Harris,
Confirmed Cast:   Harry Von Meter, Vivian Rich, Charlotte Burton, Jack Richardson, William Eason, Edith Borella, Cora Morrison, William Vaughan, Simone Cavens,
Story Summary:
An author is inspired by the daughter of a Russian political refugee, with whom he foolishly falls in love. He neglects his wife, and is eventually deserted and ruined by his Russian mistress, Olga, who becomes a celebrated actress. Luckily, he is fortunate enough to win the forgiveness of his wife.
Unique Occurences
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