Tin Can Shack, The

Release Date:   December 23, 1914
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Drama
Director:   Henry Otto
Confirmed Cast:   Edward Coxen, Winnifred Greenwood, George Field, Josephine Ditt, John Steppling,
Story Summary:
Joseph Ghar is made miserable in his daughter's home by everybody save his little grandchild, Olga, who loves him dearly. Unknown to the family, Ghar receives a small pension, and taking Olga, he escapes to the mountains, where he brings up the child in a deserted hut. Years pass, and Olga, guarded in secrecy, never has seen any man except her grandfather. At last an accident to Ghar in a bear pit brings to the hut Hugh Dawson, a young trapper who has rescued the old man, and with whom Olga falls in love. Not long after this, through another mischance, in the shape of an automobile blowout, Olga's father and mother are stranded near the "tin can shack." Thus they find the daughter whom, long ago, they had given up all hope of ever seeing again. - Moving Picture World, December 1914
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