Love Knows No Law

Release Date:   December 29, 1914
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Beauty
Genre:   Comedy-drama
Director:   Frank Cooley
Writer(s):   Frank Cooley,
Confirmed Cast:   Clarence Harris, Virginia Kirtley, Joseph Harris, Erma Kluge, Webster Campbell,
Story Summary:
Love Knows No Law Bridget, Banker Gibbs' cook, reads how a scheming maid spilled water on her foot, and pretending that she was seriously injured, rested in bed for a month and lived on the fat of the land. Bridget hastens to follow her example. A hurry call is sent to the hospital, and Frank Stone, a young doctor, responds. He hears May Gibbs whisper to Bridget that she will come to see her at the hospital daily - and being already in love with May, for the month which ensues he makes the most of their propinquity. The old banker refusing to sanction their union they decide to marry without his knowledge. He is made aware of the plan, however, by a surgeon who is jealous of Stone. As it happens, Gibbs reaches the hospital just after a warning has gone forth from the State Board of Health to be on the look-out for smallpox suspects. The banker is seized and put to bed in an isolated building, where his ravings soon result in a strait jacket. Bridget, wandering about the grounds, discovers her master, and on a bribe of life employment, releases him. Wrapped in a sheet, he reaches the hospital reception room just as the wedding ceremony is ended. By this time the attendants have traced him with the strait jacket. But Dr. Stone gives him a clean bill of health in exchange for his blessing. Moving Picture World, January 1915
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