Her Younger Sister

Release Date:   December 15, 1914
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Beauty
Genre:   Romance
Director:   Frank Cooley
Writer(s):   Gladys Kingsbury,
Confirmed Cast:   Joseph Harris, Charlotte Burton, Gladys Kingsbury, Fred Gamble, Kathie Fischer,
Story Summary:
The older sister is wooed by a young man and returns his love but her father ask s her not to marry until the younger sister is old enough to care for him, as he is an invalid. The girl agrees and the man goes away to make his fortune. Years later he returns and when he meets the little sister, who is now a young woman, he falls in love with her. The older sister sees, and when her father asks her to stay with him always she breaks her engagement, leaving the man and her younger sister free to marry. - Moving Picture World, December 19,1914
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