In Tune

Release Date:   December 14, 1914
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   2
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Drama
Director:   Henry Otto
Writer(s):   Thomas Middleton,
Confirmed Cast:   Edward Coxen, Winnifred Greenwood, Charlotte Burton, George Field,
Story Summary:
Stanely, a once popular novelist, is losing his grip because his pleasure-loving wife fails to give him sympathy. Stanley has a bookkeeper in his office who dishonestly writes an order for valuable bonds with Stanley's signature. To make good the loss, Stanley sacrifices his home. His wife eturns to her mother, but later burns to death in a fire. Stanley's clever stenographer traces the forged bond back to the bookkeeper, and the missing papers are restored. With the stenographer as his new wife, Stanley immediately begins a new novel.
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