Beggar Child, The

Release Date:   November 30, 1914
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   2
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Drama
Director:   Henry Otto
Writer(s):   Bessie Banks,
Confirmed Cast:   Edward Coxen, Winnifred Greenwood, George Field, Charlotte Burton, John Steppling, King Clark,
Story Summary:
Hugo, a poor artist, adopts his motherless child model who has been deserted by her father. He paints a picture of little Lycia, which he calls "The Beggar Child." The canvas brings him fame and wealth. Eighteen years later, Lycia, as daughter of the famous artist, is courted by Count Roberto, whose attentions she accepts until the appearance of Dan Street, a young art student, who saves her from drowning. Rosa, a peasant girl, whom the Count has betrayed, tells Lycia her story, and the Count is dismissed. Determined to win Lycia at any cost, he plots with the butler in Hugo's employ to kidnap the girl. Meanwhile, Rosa's brother, seeking to avenge his sister, has entered the Count's service. He discovers the conspiracy and substitutes Rosa for Lycia on the occasion of the secret marriage which the count thinks he is forcing upon the artist's adopted daughter. Later, Marco, the butler, discovers that Lycia is his own child. He proves this to Hugo. But Lycia, still believing herself Hugo's child, finds happiness with Dan, to whom alone the artist relates the true story of her birth and bringing up. - Moving Picture World, December 1914
Unique Occurences
This film has sometimes been credited to William Desmond Taylor but Charlotte Burton's players log book states it to be one of Otto's projects.
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