At the End of A Perfect Day

Release Date:   August 03, 1914
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   2
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Drama
Director:   Thomas Ricketts
Confirmed Cast:   Edward Coxen, Winnifred Greenwood, Edith Borella, Victoria Thompson, George Field, Jean Durell, John Steppling, Josephine Ditt,
Story Summary:
The story is a beautiful conception of patient love and intrigue in which Winnifred Greenwood as Dorothy Preston, actuated by her filial love, sacrifices her own interests to what she believes to be her mother's preference. Readily she could have retracted the words that sent her lover, Oren Evans (Ed Coxen), to distant parts had not a rival lover. Stid Butterfield (George Field), abused the confidence placed in him by the unsuspecting women. In later years a kind fate brings the two together and the climax is reached at the end of a perfect day, the incessant prayer of Dorothy for years. - Moving Picture World, Jul–Sep 1914, p.716
Unique Occurences
Additional Info
"A powerful narrative, depicting a woman's struggle and a man's sincerity of purpose." - The New York Dramatic Mirror, July 22,1914 A two-part offering telling a sentimental story of great improbability. Very simple minds might take much pleasure in it; but no honest reviewer can commend it as being at all like human life or as being an interesting offering for discriminating patrons. - Moving Picture World, Jul–Sep 1914, p.961

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