Broken Barrier, The

Release Date:   July 27, 1914
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   2
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Social Drama
Director:   Thomas Ricketts
Confirmed Cast:   Winnifred Greenwood, George Field, Ida Lewis, Edward Coxen, John Steppling,
Story Summary:
On the night of her wedding to Jack Hillery, a prominent member of New York society, Eunice Cosgrove, who is the daughter of a newlyrich and socially ambitious family, finds a letter from her mother to Jack proposing the marriage and offering Eunice's fortune in return for the social position Jack can give her. Jack had indignantly refused the proposition but later fell in love with Eunice and asked her to marry him. The young wife, upon reading the letter, jumps to the conclusion that Jack had married her for her money and on her wedding trip asserts that their marriage shall be one of form only and that she will be his wife merely in name. Time passes; the two keep up evidences of happiness in social affairs. Jack saves Eunice from the consequences of a private supper with a well known club man, and both young people realize that their love for each other has grown stronger. In his weakened financial condition, Jack is too proud to make overtures to his wife for a reconciliation and goes into Wall Street to aversion for her money starts speculating wildly. Through the irony of fate, Jack re-aids the stock that Eunice is boosting, is successful, and in entire ignorance of his action, sweeps away his wife's money as he himself wins. Discovering the truth Jack declares that the fortune now belongs to neither of them alone but that it is "our" money, and two start life over again. - Moving Picture World, July 1914
Unique Occurences
Originally title "The Barrier."
Additional Info

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