Cameo of the Yellowstone

Release Date:   July 06, 1914
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   2
Brand:   American Distinctive Creation
Genre:   Western
Director:   Sydney Ayres
Writer(s):   M. McKinstry,
Confirmed Cast:   Jack Richardson, William Garwood, Vivian Rich, Harry Von Meter, Louise Lester, George Morrison, Manuel Sampson, Harry De Vere, Josa Melville,
Story Summary:
The cowboy, Cameo, finds a bitter enemy in Hawkins, the rustler. The latter also neglects his Indian sweetheart in an endeavour to cut out Cameo with the colonel's daughter. Cameo falls into a trap laid by Hawkins, but is saved further trouble through a shot fired by the young squaw. - The Bioscope, August 27, 1914
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