Diamond From the Sky - Chapter 20, The

Release Date:   September 13, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   2
Brand:   North American
Genre:   Serial Drama
Director:   William Taylor
Story Summary:
"The Soul Stranglers" All of the principals have splendid opportunities in this latest installment of this serial. Esther finds her way to the home of John Powell and sees the man she has come so far to seek, though later she is driven from the house, and Powell, when he recovers from the drug administered to him, is told that he has only dreamed that he saw Esther. A circus billposter finds the diamond where it was left in a pervious chapter, near a beehive, and later is killed when a tree falls on him. The diamond is stolen by his companion who bear it away. - Motography, September 11, 1915, p. 547.
Unique Occurences
See Chapter One for cast list.
Additional Info

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