Turning Point, The

Release Date:   March 23, 1914
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   2
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Drama
Director:   Lorimer Johnston
Writer(s):   Sydney Ayres,
Confirmed Cast:   Sydney Ayres, Vivian Rich, Jack Richardson, Louise Lester, Edith Borella, Caroline Cooke,
Story Summary:
Dayton Reeves, the son of an aristocratic California family, inherits a taste for drink. He is a man of prominent club life - sincerely devoted to his little mother and only sister. Nan Clark, of the underworld, is the only child of a poor and devoted mother. In the poorest section of a big city, this girl is surrounded by crooks of every type. One, Chic Fagan, induces her to make the first leap into a criminal life. He persuades her to burglarize the Reeves' home and so lift herself and struggling mother out of their poverty, making it clear to the desperate girl that it is the "easiest way." Dayton Reeves, leaving his mother, departs for an evening of gambling and drink at his club. Catherine Reeves, a heavy loser at a recent progressive bridge whist party, tries in vain to obtain from her mother an addition to her monthly allowances in order to free herself of her financial obligations to Mrs. Chandler. Mrs. Reeves cannot comply with her daughter's wishes, and sits alone. Nan enters the house by a rear window and stands breathless before entering the dining hall. Dayton Reeves departs from his club under the influence of liquor. Entering his home he is distressed to find an unwelcome visitor, whom he takes pity upon, telling her if she will promise never to steal again, he will let her go free and not warn the police. Dayton, in the act of consuming a glass of whiskey, is stopped by the gentle hand of Nan, who offers a compact. If Dayton will stop drinking, she will stop stealing. After a brief elapse of time Dayton Reeves decides to give Nan her chance in life, to take her into his mother's home as a companion for his mother. Catherine Reeves, to meet her financial obligations, pawns her jewelry to free her from debt. A progressive whist bridge party is held at the Reeves homestead. Catherine Reeves is a heavy loser and is almost panic stricken. Seeing her opportunity, she steals from a guest a small silver purse, containing a large amount of money. Mrs. Filkins discovering her loss, is deeply incensed and demands of Dayton Reeves that he send for a detective to clear up the matter then and there. Nan, who has now become like one of the family, is in the room at the time of the theft, and by a natural coincidence sees Catherine Reeves take the purse. The arrival of the detective creates excitement and as Dayton Reeves is explaining the serious incident, the detective notices Nan Clark, once of the underworld, and in his mind "he need look no further." Nan persuades Catherine to quickly pass her the purse. The detective requests a woman to search Nan. Wrapped in her handkerchief, clasped tightly in her hand, is found the missing money. Dayton Reeves can scarcely believe that all his efforts to reform Nan have failed. He tells the detective to take her away. After Nan's departure, the guests, having dispersed, Catherine's conscience becomes her master. Falling upon her knees before her brother, she tells of the loyalty of Nan and of her own guilt and the reason that prompted it. The butler is quickly followed to summon the detective and bring back Nan, who enters the Reeve's homestead, not as the companion of a dear and loving mother, but as the sweetheart and loving wife of Dayton Reeves. - Moving Picture World, March 1914
Unique Occurences
This film was promoted as "a physiological drama of the underworld" and was written by Sydney Ayres.
Additional Info

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